Water Operation Engineering

Duration: 6 semesters

Tuition fee for EU students: 1,500 EUR/semester

Tuition fee for non-EU students: 3,000 EUR/semester

Water is the world’s most precious natural resource. This BSc program provides advanced training to students to develop their understanding of the activities involved in water and wastewater treatment and to work out strategies and devise systems that are crucial to preserving the environment.

The program aims to develop your thinking ability and with this academic knowledge to create innovative solutions to practical problems. It will provide you with the skills that you need to solve problems both alone and in a team structure with the help of engineering science.

In the 6-semester training course students learn subjects that provide the right knowledge for everyday routine tasks in the water industry. Students choose a specialization in the fourth semester to study special subjects. There is an opportunity provided by professional partners to take part in a professional practice where students get a wealth of professional knowledge and substantial practical experience.

The program covers basic subject areas of chemistry, microbiology and mechanical engineering that are essential in understanding the water and wastewater treatment methods and processes. Additional areas of study related to water and wastewater treatment include automation, quality assurance, business economics, etc. Students gain experience in modern calculation methods and laboratory practice in water chemistry and process technology.

Curriculum: download