Tuition fee for EU students: 900 EUR/semester
Tuition fee for non-EU students: 1,400 EUR/semester
The list of documents required for a valid application can be found here:
- Completed application form (Please, ask for it from the contact person);
- Officially certified copy/copies of high school or university degree / degrees (in English);
- Officially certified copy of the Transcript of Records of previous studies (including the list of complete courses/subjects and the results) (in English);
- Certificate of English language knowledge, which can be the following:
- Officially certified copy of TOEFL iBT certificate with minimum score of 60; OR
- Officially certified copy of IELTS certificate with minimum score of 5.5; OR
- Officially certified copy of intermediate level English language certificate issued by any language centers accredited by the Hungarian Educational Authority Accreditation Centre for Foreign Language Examinations (; OR
- If the applicant completed his/her previous studies in an institution where the language of instruction is English, the applicant may present an original Attestation of Language Proficiency.
- Copy of the valid passport (with the place and date of expiration) OR in case of EU-citizenship copy of valid ID card or driving licence;
- CV in English;
- Motivation Letter in English;
- Submitting letters of recommendation is an advantage.
In case of successful admission you must present your original documents during the enrolment process.
Bank details:
Name of the bank: MBH Bank Nyrt.
Account number: 10300002-10802153-00054883
IBAN (International Banking Number): HU77 10300002-10802153-00054883
Payable to: Pannon Egyetem
Note on the bank funds transfer form under ‘Info / Inst for beneficiary bank’:
A013000046, **Name of Applicant**, application fee
Address: 8200 Veszprém, Egyetem u.10. Hungary
The admission process
After all the above listed documents are submitted, the applicant needs to pay the registration fee (150EUR), which is non-refundable. Once the fee arrives to the University, the applicant takes part in an interview with the Admission Committee of the University Center. The interview can be online or a personal meeting, depending on the applicant’s preference. Based on the interview, the committee makes a recommendation regarding the admission of the applicant.
In case of a positive decision the University Center sends a Letter of Notification to the applicant. In the Letter of Notification, the applicant will be informed to transfer the tuition fee for the chosen academic programme covering the first 2 semesters and the dormitory fee for two months (300 euros, which may cover 3 months depending on the exchange rate).
After the above mentioned tuition fee and the dormitory fee arrived to the bank account of the University Center, the Official Letter of Admission will be sent to the applicant. The Official Letter of Admission is to be submitted to the Embassy or Consulate of Hungary in the country of the applicant to acquire a visa.
If the visa application is refused, the University of Pannonia will refund the pre-paid tuition fee and the dormitory fee. Please note that the applicant must request the transfer in a written form by indicating the preferred bank account and attaching the decision letter regarding the visa refusal.
All students admitted to the academic programme offered in a foreign language are required to have a valid health insurance for the whole period of residence in Hungary.
Contact: Melinda Holczinger at