Duration: 8 semesters
Tuition fee: 2,750 EUR/semester
The headquarters of the Doctoral School is in Veszprém, at the main campus of the university. However, if you would like to carry out research related to safety and security in tourism, or sustainable project management and sustainable tourism, then the supervisors work in the Institute of Applied Management Sciences, which is located in Nagykanizsa.
Here you can see the list of research topics with the responsible supervisor and their contacts:
- Ildikó Ernszt, Ph.D – Safety and security issues in the field of tourism – The different elements of safety and security issues in the field of tourism, their changing emphasis and the responsibility of the different stakeholders will be researched in this research topic. – ernszt.ildiko@pen.uni-pannon.hu
- Nikoletta Kaszás, Ph.D – kaszas.nikoletta@pen.uni-pannon.hu
- Sustainability in project management: including sustainability in the knowledge base of classical project management, its measurement possibilities and good practices in various industries
- Supply and demand of sustainable tourism; Appearance of circular economy in tourism; Practical interpretation of the Tourism 5.0 approach
To find out more about the Doctoral School, check: https://www.gtk.uni-pannon.hu/en/doctoral-school-of-management-sciences-and-business-administration/
To find out more about the Institute of Applied Management Sciences, check: https://pen.uni-pannon.hu/own/kpluszf/home.html