PhD programme in the Chemical Engineering and Material Sciences Doctoral School at the Faculty of Engineering

Duration: 8 semesters

Tuition fee: 4,500 EUR/semester

The headquarters of the Doctoral School is in Veszprém, at the main campus of the university. However, if you would like to carry out research related to water treatment and water analytics, then the supervisors work in the Water Technology Research Group, which is located in Nagykanizsa.

Here you can see the list of research topics with the responsible supervisor and their contacts:

Kucserka Tamás, PhD – Investigation of the possible reuse and treatment methods of used waters of various origins

Renáta Gerencsér-Berta, PhD – microplastic contaminants in different water source – quality control and possibility of removal

Ildikó Galambos, PhD – water treatment for pollution removal using complex, membrane based methods, optimization, life cycle analysis

Bóna Áron – polyelectrolyte multilayer nanofiltration membrane synthesis and field testing for wastewater treatment and reuse

Zita Zrinyi, PhD: pharmaceutical residues in surface and ground water (presence and fate), environmental risk assessment, drinking water quality management

Etelka Tombácz, PhD: Water treatment: adsorption and dispersion stabilization/destabilization. Magnetic nanoparticles, magnetic separation

To find out more about the Doctoral School, check: To find out more about the Water Technology Research Group, check: