Project description:
Intensive Courses for Higher Education Students (further on IC4HEDS) project provided students from Croatia and Hungary with an insight into current business trends and labour market needs. The project officially lasted from 1st August 2020 to 31st March 2022 and in that time nearly fifty students learned about new technologies that are rapidly becoming an integral part of every business. This was done through intensive courses about industry 4.0 and digital transformation and by involving students in various workshops and study trips. Participation in the courses helped prepare students for their future careers.
IC4HEDS was co-financed from Interreg V-A Hungary-Croatia Co-operation Programme 2014-2020. The project was implemented by a team composed of Hungarian partners, University of Pannonia (UP) and the Nagykanizsa Asset Management PLC. (NKVG), as well as Croatian partners, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Organization and Informatics (FOI) and lead partner, Technology Innovation Centre Medimurje Ltd (TICM).
The project addressed the challenges in the higher education system by enhancing the role of higher education institutions and connecting them with the business sector and business support organizations.
Two intensive learning courses are considered the project’s main result – the course about digital transformation implemented by FOI and the course about industry 4.0 implemented by UP. The courses last 35 to 50 hours and include a self-guided introduction phase using online materials specifically developed for this purpose.
In addition to that, more than a dozen workshops have been organized about digital marketing, career development and other relevant topics, led by successful individuals from the business community. Four study trips to the cross-border area have been organized for students, including visits to numerous institutions relevant to the economic and cultural development of the area. Around fifty students participated in the programmes. The project has been finalized with the study trip of the project staff to the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava.
Basic information about the project:
• Program: INTERREG V-A Hungary-Croatia Co-operation Program 2014-2020
• Project partners:
University of Pannonia (UP)
Nagykanizsa Asset Management PLC. (NKVG)
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Organization and Informatics (FOI) – Lead Partner
Technology Innovation Centre Medimurje Ltd (TICM)
• Total project value: 211,799.95 EUR
• Eu funds: 180,029.95 EUR