Institute of Applied Economics

The Institute of Applied Economics carries out education and research under the guidance of the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Pannonia with special emphasis on the area of adaptation to the dynamically changing business environment and innovation.

The staff of the Institute has a wide range of competences in the field of economics and social sciences. The Institute emphasizes the practical exploitation of its intellectual capital. The staff of the Institute believes that gaining and keeping the competitive advantage of an enterprise may only be ensured through continuous organizational development and with the adjustment to the changing environment.

The professional competences of the institutional unit are the following without being exhaustive:

  • statistical and economic analyses based on qualitative and quantitative examinations
  • contribution to the preparation of strategies with special emphasis on the analyses of situation and environment
  • marketing of tourism organizations (companies and NGOs), tourist attractions and services, examination of TDM organizations
  • satisfaction surveys regarding tourism and tourism marketing, product development, impact assessment
  • analytical and synthetic research in connection with the development of local economy
  • business development and project management