Project title: Cross-border cooperation to develop a joint innovative guiding solution for the expansion of visitor offers in open-air cultural heritage tourism facilities
Project acronym: InnoGuide4CHT
Project number: ATHU-0100028
Funding programme: Interreg Austria – Hungary 2021-2027 https://www.interreg-athu.eu/
Programme priority: P3 – A competent border region
Specific objective: SO32 – Strengthening the role of culture and sustainable tourism for economic development, social inclusion and social innovation
Project duration: 01 May 2024 -31 October 2026 (30 months)
Total budget: 1,075,716.50 euros
Of which European Regional Development Fund (ERDF): 757,064.28 euros
Summary of the project:
Through the joint development and pilot implementation of a digital visitor guidance system solution using innovative technologies, through new, target group-specific knowledge transfer for families, individual visitors and people with disabilities and by strengthening the skills of employees, cultural heritage tourism in the programme region will be sustainably strengthened, the digital offer for communicating cultural heritage will be improved and interdisciplinary cooperation will be established.
Project partners:
- Österreichisches Freilichtmuseum Stübing – Universalmuseum Joanneum GmbH (Lead partner), https://www.museum-joanneum.at/freilichtmuseum
- Göcseji Falumúzeum – Zalaegerszegi Múzeumok Igazgatósága
- Forschung Burgenland GmbH, www.forschung-burgenland.at
- Pannon Egyetem Nagykanizsa- Körforgásos Gazdaság Egyetemi Központ, https://uni-pannon.hu/hu/
- Savaria Múzeum, www.savariamuseum.hu
Nikoletta Simon project manager, simon.nikoletta@pen.uni-pannon.hu;