Projekt title: 2021-1-BG01-KA220-HED-000032149- “Digitization of Higher Education for Renewable Energy Systems in Europe”
Description of the project:
The overall aim of the ” HED-RES-EU” project is to develop and transfer experimental and innovative teaching methods contributing to the quality of renewable energy education to fill the gap between the growing industry demand for specialized renewable energy expertise and the skills currently available on the job market. In the frame of the project, partnership will develop an accredited renewable green energy curriculum and an e-learning platform in order to support online and face-to-face training in partner countries. In addition, a European Renewable Green Energy Handbook will be developed for students, led by the University of Pannonia, which will present the types of renewable energy sources that can be derived from natural materials such as waste, solar, wind, geothermal, etc. In addition, the project will be promoted through various local and international events.
Type of the contract: Partnership agreement
Project duration: 2021.011.01-2024.04.30
Projekt budget: 309 668,00 EUR
Lead partner: Trakia University
- University of Pannonia,
- Balıkesir University
- Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University
- Phasegrowth
- FORTES Impresa Sociale Srl
- Bulgarian Industrial Association – Union of the Bulgarian Business (BIA)