Project description:
Significant proportion of industrial technologies involve heat emission. Often the heat generated is not used and has to be released into the environment, where it can sometimes even cause damage. The reason why waste heat is difficult to use is that, although heat is needed, it is not usually generated at the place and/or at the time where it is generated. Such heat emitters, with different amounts of heat and discharge temperatures, are e.g. iron foundries, cement works, petroleum refineries, polyethylene extrusion plants, nuclear power plants, distilleries, etc. For some of these sources (e.g. distillers), the waste heat discharged is small and therefore not worth transporting, while in other cases – e.g. nuclear power plants – although the tertiary water discharged carries a large amount of heat, it cannot be used because of its low temperature. Nevertheless, there are numerous waste heat dischargers where the heat volume and temperature are sufficiently high/high to make it worthwhile to deal with. The present project deals with the storage of these waste heat. We are developing a container-sized storage facility that will allow the stored heat to be transported – in particular by water (ship) or rail (tanker) – and used elsewhere. If the heat is stored in a material that melts at around 70-80 degrees Celsius, this would provide a constant temperature heat source operating at 70-80 degrees Celsius due to the phase change, which could be used for district heating.
Project implementation period: 20 December 2022 – 19 December 2024
Project budget: 1,334,000,000 HUF
Type of research: R&D
Lead Beneficiary: IMSYS Ltd.
Project Partners: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, HeatVentors Hőenergiatároló Ltd., MAHART-Szabadkikötő Plc., HUN-REN Research Centre for Natural Sciences, University of Pannonia