Department of Applied Information Technology

The Department of Applied Information Technology at the University of Pannonia Nagykanizsa Campus is in close connection with the Faculty of Information Technology at the mother institution in the field of education, research and projects. The Industrial Information Technology Research Centre was founded involving the staff of the department, whose main task is the examination of IT problems occurring in the field of Industry 4.0. It includes among others the introduction and operation of total or partial automatization.

To be able to carry out research and development tasks, a laboratory is being built, which will be developed continuously. It will be able to model industrial processes. The primary task of the laboratory is the support of planning, implementation and operation of IT systems supporting production.

A lot of information is born during today’s modern industrial processes, whose storage and process implies serious IT challenge. However, it is important to notice that the collected data open new possibilities in the field of the increase of the effectiveness of the systems. With their help it is going to be possible to introduce new-generation optimization, flexibility increasing and intelligent automatization technics.

Partner organizations help with solving the non-exclusively IT problems. The department has excellent relationship with companies with profiles of data collection, automatization, robotics and building production systems.