Application to a Hungarian university

Are you from across the border?

Are you from Austria, Croatia, Serbia or Slovenia? Then, you can apply for a university course the same way as Hungarian students can.

You can apply for a state-funded academic programme if:

  • you are of Hungarian nationality and you make a declaration about it in the electronic admission system,
  • you are of another nationality but you have a residence in Hungary that exists at the time of application.

In any other cases, you can only apply for self-funded programmes.

Please, read the information carefully about the application process. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to write to

1st step: Register in ’Ügyfélkapu’ that is the Citizen Portal

– Personally

In Hungary, you can register in ’Ügyfélkapu’ in one of the government offices.

Abroad, you can register at an embassy or a consulate.

Necessary documents:

For hungarian citizens:Identity Card, Driving licence, passport
EGT citizens:EGT Identity Card or passport
Foreigners outside EGT:passport

– Electronically

You can register electronically. However, you can only do this if you have a Hungarian Identity card.

There are two ways to do it:

With E-identity card: who has a Hungarian electric identity card issued after 1 January 2016:

With a photo identification: this can be used by citizens subject to the personal data and address registers who have a valid Hungarian document suitable for proving their identity.
2nd step: Check how points are calculated

In case of applicants who have a foreign secondary school certificate, study points can only be counted if they have results in the last two years of studying a given subject:

– Hungarian Grammar and Literature (can be substituted with Grammar and Literature of the language of the given country or the language of instruction),

– Mathematics,

– History,

– a chosen foreign language,

– at least one subject defined by the higher education institution.

Final exam points can only be counted if

– the certificate may be identified as a document verifying secondary studies,

– and if the applicant has at least two acceptable secondary school leaving examination subjects that match the name and level of the secondary school leaving examination subjects defined by the higher education institution.

You can check here how points are calculated.

Always the most favourable calculation method is applied automatically by the System if all data and documents are uploaded.

Study points (max. 200 points): The sum of the end-of-year grades of the two last years of study in five high school subjects multiplied by two = max. 100 points + the average of the percentage of the results of the five final exam subjects (four compulsory and one elective) included in the secondary school leaving certificate = max. 100 points

The five subjects (in case of the secondary subjects abd the final exam subjects, as well): Hungarian language and grammar, History, Mathematics, Foreign language, one of the subjects defined by the higher education institution per field of study.

Final exam points (max. 200 points): The point is calculated from the percentage of the results of the two final exam subjects defined by the higher education institution as admission requirements. In the case of an advanced final exam, the final exam point is equal to the result of the exam converted in accordance with the Hungarian evaluation system, and in the case of intermediate level, it is two-thirds. Check if the higher education institution requires intermediate or advanced final exam for the course of your choice.

Institutional points (max. 100 points): The type, extent and conditions of the institutional points are determined individually by the higher education institutions. On the pages of the courses advertised at, you can see why and how many institutional points can be awarded at the given course, as well as what data or documents can be used to verify them. For example: you can get extra points for advanced final exams, competitions, language knowledge, equal opportunities, work experience, sports results, participation at Open Days. You can get more information about these extra points from the institutions.

You can see an example of how exam points are converted to admission points.

Exam Converted
Admission point Exam point
Two intermediate
level exams
Exam subject 1
85% 57 points 117 points
Exam subject 2
90% 60 points
One advanced
level exam
Exam subject 1
(advanced level)
85% 85 points 145 points
Exam subject 2
90% 90 points
Two advanced
level exams
Exam subject 1
(advanced level)
85% 85 points 175 points
Exam subject 2
(advanced level)
90% 90 points

3rd step: Enter and upload the necessary data and documents in the Hungarian Higher Education Application System (

You can enter through ’Ügyfélkapu’, you do not need to register in separately.

If necessary, use the website translator of Google to be able to enter your data and do your application.

Beside entering and uploading the necessary data and documents, you can choose 3 different courses for free of charge. Note that choosing the state-funded and the self-financed form of the same course is considered one choice. Therefore, altogether 6 lines may be filled out.

You need to submit the following documents:

· When applying for a BSc course:

– the secondary school leaving certificate – all pages and all supplements;

– the transcript of records of the secondary years – all the pages that prove the end-of-year grades;

– certified Hungarian translation of documents whose original versions are not in Hungarian, English, German or French;

– documents determined for the calculation of the institutional points;

– a foreign university degree – You can check in the institutional announcement if it is possible to calculate points from a university degree, and if yes, under what conditions;

– any other special documents necessary for the chosen courses – you can check them in the insitutional announcements.

· When applying for an MSc course:

– copy of the degree certificate certifying the degree is from a higher education institution

– copy of the original official certificate of the fact you are going to receive your degree in the year of application (with heading, signature, stamp, date)

– transcript of record that certifies the length of the studies at a higher education institution

– certified Hungarian translation of documents whose original versions are not in Hungarian, English, German or French;

– any other special documents necessary for the chosen courses – you can check them in the insitutional announcements.

· What is considered as an official translation?

– certified translation or translation endorsed by the National Office for Translation and Certification (Országos Fordító és Fordításhitelesítő Iroda)

– translation endorsed by a Hungarian foreign representative body or a Hungarian notary

– translation certified under the domestic law of a Member State of the European Union

/- for Serbian documents, a translation certified by a Serbian notary or a court translator/

4th step: Submit your application in by 15 February 2025
Check that all your data are entered correctly and check whether all the required documents have been uploaded. Only submit your application if you know that everything is correct.
5th step: Authenticate your application in ’Ügyfélkapu’ by 15 February 2025.
Do not forget to validate your application in ‘Ügyfélkapu’ by 15 February 2025. Just submitting your application in the system is not enough.
6th step: You can modify the order of your chosen courses and you can upload required documents until 10 July 2025
Between March and July you can modify the order of your chosen courses once. You can also modify the place* of the course if the higher institution, the course, the level of the course and the mode (full-time or correspondence) is the same. *One higher institution may offer the same course in different towns in Hungary.

You can add another financial form of a course. If you have, e.g., only chosen a state-funded place of a course, you can add the self-financed place, as well but only if the higher education institution offers it.

You can also delete a course that you chose previously.

Note that changing order can only be done once. If you change something, you cannot change it back.

7th step: Expected date of the announcement of the admission points is 31 July 2025.
The expected date of announcement of the admission points is the evening of 31 July 2025. If you provided your mobile phone number when you submitted your application and indicated that you would like to receive a message about your admission result, then you are going to receive an SMS/text message from the application system with your result.

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