Monitoring of surface and underground water in Medimurje and Zala County

Project description:
The rivers of Mura and Drava geographically divide the Croatian and Hungarian regions. As both countries have the same problems with surface and groundwater, it is advisable to jointly map the state of the border rivers. The project will help to solve problems for professionals by developing a sampling methodology plan using state-of-the-art technologies and best practices, providing an overview of the occurrence of water pollutants in the Mura region, and operating an online platform to disseminate the results more widely. Our goal is taht the regional research network system is developed through joint cooperation and professional cooperation, this collecting and sharing information obtained during water sampling for the protection of the aquatic environment of the transboundary region with experts in the water sectors. Our long-term goal is to put the knowledge gained into practice, which can be extended to the whole of the European region in the near future, this helping to achieve good water status and creating a well-functioning cross-border network to improve water quality.

Expected results of the project:

  • exploration of polluted or intermittently exposed river sections
  • identification of contaminants in surface and groundwater
  • online database about measured parameters
  • implementation of joint education and training programs
  • cooperation agreements in the field of water and wastewater treatment jointly developed studies (laboratory reports, studies, international publications, etc.)
  • communication tools (roll-up, leaflets, brochures, promotion materials, promotional video)


Project budget:
Total budget of project: 454,109 EUR
EU contribution (ERFA): 385,992.65 EUR
National contribution (Hungarian Government): 32,583.70 EUR
 Own contribution: 35,532.65 EUR

Project implementation period: 01 August 2020 – 31 July 2022
Lead Beneficiary: Délzala Waterwork and Sewerage Private Ltd. (Nagykanizsa)
Project Partner 1: Medimurje Water Ltd. (Cakovec)
Project Partner 2: University of Pannonia (Nagykanizsa)