The colleagues of the Center
The colleagues of the Center are experts in various fields (chemist, biologist, pharmacist, environmental engineer, environmental researcher, food engineer, agricultural biotechnologist, nature conservation engineer), thus providing a wide range of knowledge to the Research Center.
The main research areas include:
- water treatment
- industrial water treatment and waste water treatment
- technological and wastewater recycling solutions from oil technologies
- possibilities for recycling wastewater from thermal waters
- qualitative and quantitative determination of micropollutants and microplastics in waters, development of removal technologies
- detection of COVID-19 and other gastroenterological virus hereditary material in wastewater
The Research and Development Center has its own, well-equipped laboratory, which allows: the determination of analytical and microbiological components from waters of various origins (e.g., surface water, groundwater, drinking water, sewage, industrial water); and to carry out laboratory (semi-industrial) experiments in the framework of R&D projects.
We provide the following services to our partners
- review of water treatment systems, proposing innovative, up-to-date technologies based on international practice and/or experiments, optimization, consideration of water recycling options, OPEX-CAPEX calculation
- case studies of operating systems, suggestions for improving chemical use, with cost-effectiveness calculations
- „Zero Liquid Discharge” or similar technologies
- comparative analyses, evaluations, drawing conclusions from existing data, SWOT analysis
- planning and implementation of semi-industrial (Pilot) experiments in the framework of R&D projects
- performing water chemical and microbiological tests (not accredited)
- detection of COVID-19 virus inheritance from wastewater
In case of individual company needs, the Research Center undertakes to hold a lecture or a complex educational program in Hungarian or English, prepared in accordance with the needs of the companies, in connection with water treatment, new technological methods, analytical methods, biological or microbiological issues.